40% of argentines are poor

More than 40% of the Argentine population is poor, according to the latest survey by INDEC, the official statistics agency.

This means that out of the 46 million inhabitants of the country, more than 18 million are in that situation.

The index corresponds to the first half of 2023, which grew by one point compared to the second half of 2022.

In Argentina, poverty is measured according to a basket of goods and services.

If a family cannot afford these expenses with its monthly income, it is considered poor.

If they cannot even afford the cost of food, the group of people is considered destitute, which according to INDEC rose to 9.3%.

The deterioration of social indicators is taking place in a context of high inflation, which hits the most vulnerable sectors the hardest.

In this context, the government, employers and unions agreed yesterday on an increase in the minimum wage to 400 dollars per month by the end of the year.