Thinking the post-pandemic World RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

Lula Da Silva - Alberto Fernández, virtual summit

President Alberto Fernández reaffirmed his conviction that "once again the peoples of Latin America will stand up", during an online meeting with former Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva

The encounter was organized by the School of Social Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires and was sponsored by Clacso, the Latin American Council of Social Sciences.




The meeting, which took place last Friday, was also attended by Carolina Mera, dean of the School; Karina Batthyány, executive secretary of CLACSO; Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, 1980 Nobel Peace Prize laureate and professor at the UBA; Carol Proner, lawyer and professor at the University of Rio de Janeiro; Nicolás Trotta, Minister of Education of Argentina; Natalia Salvo, labor lawyer and professor at the University of Buenos Aires; and lawmaker Eduardo Valdés, chair of Argentina's Lower House's Foreign Relations Commission.

At the meeting, which was viewed online by more than 25,000 people, Lula stressed the need to make the World "a more humane, fraternal and supportive place".

At the same time, Lula assured that although he does not know "what the World will be like after this pandemic, Argentina will come out of this crisis in a better situation".

For his part, the Argentine president said that the peoples "of Latin America are going to get back on their feet and as Bolivar and San Martin dreamed, we are going to build the Great Latin American Homeland. This is what we are going to be again. I am convinced".

Translation and V.O.: Fernando Farías
Content Production: Silvana Avellaneda
Web: Julián Cortez