Argentina remembers the Day the Worst dictatorship began, 45 years ago

This Wednesday, March 24, Argentina commemorates the 45th anniversary of the Coup D'Etat that led to the worst dictatorship in this country's history. A Coup that took place amid political and social upheaval in a country marked by the struggle for power and the struggle of interests.

The Proceso, as this period is known, was the last of a series of military governments that began in the 1930s. That's when the belief that in  Argentina democracies did not "work" and that this should be replaced by the order and structure the military guaranteed began to take hold.

None of those periods was easy. But during the final military dictatorship (between 1976 and 1983) the doctrine of the so-called Condor Plan was applied, a doctrine conceived in the US to stop the advance of communism in Latin America. This entailed the systematic application of State terrorism and the annulment of all constitutional guarantees for the sake of "national security".


There are 30,000 missing people. There were death flights. Thousands of exiles and persecutions. Traces that children and grandchildren still carry as part of our stories, which are those of a whole country.  Today more than ever, when in Argentina the role of women is being vindicated, RAE Argentina al Mundo pays homage to the Mothers and Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo.

They were women who in the most absolute solitude faced the worst years of the regime, a dictatorship that had no doubts in persecuting and killing them too. One of those targeted was Madres' founding member Azucena Villaflor. Captured, tortured and dropped alive from an airplane into the waters of the Rio de la Plata.

There were the Mothers who, during the celebrations of World Cup 78, stood up in front of the foreign press to ask for their children saying: "We don't know if they are hungry, cold. We don't know where they are. To thousands of them we owe courage and honesty. We owe them real democracy. We owe them justice and equity".

On this "week of memory" we honor the thousands of mothers and grandmothers who sheltered children and grandchildren in the most remote villages of this vast country. Who buried banned books and music to avoid arrests during raids. And above all, they left us a legacy of courage and honesty that is still hard to match today.

For equality, for inclusion. For a real democracy. 45 years after the Coup, from Rae-Argentina to the World we say Never Again! Memory, Truth and Justice.

Translation and VO: Fernando Farías

Sound Edition: Fabian Pannizzi

Production and Web: Silvana Avellaneda – Julián Cortez.