Argentina starts vaccination of children

Health Minister Carla Vizzotti, launched the rollout targeting children between 3 and 11 years old. Officials say there are already around 6 million children that were registered for being vaccinated and they will receive two jabs of the Sinopharm vaccine.

Reportedly, there are 9 million doses earmarked for this age group.

Minister Vizzotti emphasized that the vaccination of minors will reduce the circulation of coronavirus "especially within families", and affirmed that health authorities "are assessing the possibility of applying a booster or third dose to anyone who's been jabbed for more than year against coronavirus".



Meanwhile, the head of the Argentine Society of Pediatrics (SAP), Omar Tabacco, celebrated the beginning of the campaign and assured that "it is good news: despite COVID not being aggressive in children as it is in adults, we all know that the risk for them is not zero".

In an interview with Radio Nacional, he explained it is necessary for "this age range to be protected because, as older people are now fully jabbed, children could become the reservoir of the disease".