Of one thing I'm sure: the Malvinas are not British - Alberto Fernández

President Alberto Fernández said: "the only thing that is clear to me is that the Malvinas are not British".

As part of the 40th anniversary of the war, he spoke to the BBC at the Malvinas Museum in Buenos Aires.

In this context, he stated that Argentina will one day recover the archipelago and said that "problems should be solved through dialogue".

"We don't have the strength, the planes, the nuclear weapons of the United Kingdom, but we have reason on our side", said the Head of State.

In the interview with the British channel, the President said: "it is incomprehensible to think that these islands, which are a continuation of our Andes, are not part of Argentina".

Furthermore, Mr Fernández pointed out, "we occupied them before the British usurped them in 1833, and we have been claiming them ever since".

He also rejected the British notion according to which the 1982 conflict closed the way to negotiation and affirmed: "war does not give rights".

"One of the arguments of the UK is that they won the war and that meant dialogue is over, but war does not give rights," said Mr Fernández.

In this regard, he exemplified: "if someone seizes my house and I go to a judge, and the judge says let's first ask the usurper what he thinks about the right he has to live there... That is not so".

"In legal terms," the President said, "that's nonsense, and in ethical terms it's immoral.