Argentine-made Covid vaccine to be tested in humans

The jab is called ARVAC-Cecilia Grierson and was developed by researchers from CONICET (National Council for Scientific and Technical Research), together with the Pablo Cassará Foundation and the Cassará Laboratory.

It will enter into Phase I human trials to asses safety, tolerability and immunogenicity of the recombinant protein vaccine.

Testing was cleared by the ANMAT drug and food safety agency of Argentina.

The project's aim is to make the ARVAC Cecilia Grierson vaccine available as a booster for already used coronavirus vaccines.

The Minister of Health, Carla Vizzotti, said the phase 1 testing of the jab means a historic moment for Argentine science.

80 healthy, fully vaccinated volunteers will take part in the test, receiving a shot of the Argentine jab as a booster.

Studies are carried out in the city of Buenos Aires, in a center specially authorized by ANMAT, by a team headed by pediatric infectologist Gustavo Merino.