Why is this Friday a holiday in Argentina?

In Argentina 17 June is observed as the National Day of Latin American Freedom, to commemorate 200 years of the death of Martín Miguel de Güemes.

He was leader of the so-called “gaucho war” that stopped Spanish incursions into the north of the country during the War of Independence.

Juan Martín Miguel de Güemes was born in the province of Salta, in northwestern Argentina, on 8 February 1785.

Thanks to his good relations with gauchos and native peoples, he managed to form militias that defended the territory of what would become free countries, such as Bolivia and Argentina.

Güemes played a fundamental role, since his army and his resistance were key in protecting Argentina’s borders from the Crown’s attempts to seize back its colonies.

Such is the importance of the resistance of the people of northern Argentina that these territories remained later under the rule of a government of people born in this territory.

It also made it possible for the birth of new free countries on the basis of General José de San Martín's crossing of the Andes. That campaign led by San Martin was able to free Chile and Peru from Spanish rule.

Throughout history, Güemes has been highlighted by various voices as an example of someone who fights for freedom, with nothing more than the support of the gauchos, and at the cost of his personal wealth.

To this day, in the province of Salta, homage is paid to the memory of this brave warrior.