Alberto Fernández demanded Malvinas talks RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

Argentine president meets UK's Johson

President Alberto Fernández met with the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Boris Johnson, within the framework of the G7 summit taking place in Germany.

The British leader started the conversation highlighting the possibilities offered by Argentina in terms of agriculture, mining and energy.





But Mr Fernández stated that it would not be possible "to move forward in the bilateral relationship" without starting negotiations on the Malvinas Islands.

Mr Johnson, for his part, replied that this issue had already been resolved forty years ago.

President Fernandez then reminded the Prime Minister of the UN resolutions calling the parties to dialogue on the sovereignty dispute.

The Head of State also rejected the comparison that Johnson sought to establish between the Malvinas issue and the self-determination of the peoples of Ukraine.

For the President, "one has nothing to do with the other, because the issue of the islands is a colonial enclave".

Alberto Fernandez also asked the British PM to reestablish regular flights between the archipelago and the Argentine mainland.

The bilateral meeting with the Argentine President had been requested by London, according to the Casa Rosada.