nauguration on August 7 RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

New Colombian president to negotiate with guerrilla

The upcoming inauguration of leftist Gustavo Petro to the Colombian presidency rekindles talks with the ELN guerrilla, to complete the peace process that had a landmark in 2016, when the FARC -the largest insurgent group- agreed to lay down weapons.

The President-elect has reiterated that after being sworn in on August 7 he will propose rebels to a bilateral ceasefire to unblock the talks.

Petro had promised during the campaign to generate "the conditions to advance in an effective dialogue and negotiations with the ELN that takes into account the lessons learned from the accord with the FARC".

The ELN totals some 2300 troops,(it once had more than 5,000). It is estimated that at least 40 percent of them are in camps set up in Venezuelan territory, thus becoming what some call a "binational guerrilla".



"Colombia's president-elect Gustavo Petro"