Argentine-made Covid vaccine

Trials with volunteers of the Argentine vaccine against Covid began this Monday.



The jab is called ARVAC Cecilia Grierson, as a homage to the first woman who graduated as a physician in Argentina in 1889.

It was developed by a team from CONICET, the highest scientific entity in Argentina, led by researcher Juliana Cassataro.

In this first part of the tests, 200 volunteers will receive a shot as a booster of other vaccines already in circulation.

In a few days a more massive call will be made, with 2000 participants.

The tests will be carried out in more than 10 research centers in Salta, Mendoza, Córdoba, Mar del Plata, La Plata and the city of Buenos Aires.

It is worth remembering that ANMAT, the agency that regulates drugs, validated phase 1 tests, which state that the vaccine is safe and that it generates a high immunological response.

According to these tests, a booster dose increases up to 30 times the antibodies against the Omicron and Gamma variants of the coronavirus.