Argentina reopens its embassy in Bangladesh

Foreign Minister Santiago Cafiero headed the opening of the new Argentine embassy in Bangladesh.

The inauguration took place this Monday in Dhaka, capital of the Asian country.



This is the first visit by a South American Foreign Minister to this nation, that has had diplomatic relations with Buenos Aires for half a century.

Argentina’s top diplomat traveled to Bangladesh heading a delegation of national companies.

Dulce de leche, alfajores, yerba mate and the Bangladeshi version of the World Cup song "Muchachos" performed by a group of local fans, enlivened the inauguration of the new diplomatic seat.

Cafiero stressed that Argentina is fulfilling "a moral, ethical and historical duty by reopening our Embassy in Bangladesh”.

The embassy was originally esatblished in 1974, during Juan Doming Perón's government, an administration that “recognized a brotherly people such as Bangladesh's''.

A few years later, the Embassy was closed by order of the military dictatorship that tried to erase the footprint of many fellow Argentines in our country, but also the footprint of brotherly relations we had established up to that moment", the official highlighted.

With the reopening of the Embassy, Argentina seeks to exploit the potential of the bilateral relation, mainly in the commercial aspect.

Officials say there’s wide potential for trade, with chances to further diversify the exportable offer, currently focused on oils, grains, flours and soybean pellets.

Also, to promote cooperation in the fields of sports, satellite, humanitarian aid and disaster management.

Diplomatic sources emphasized that Cafiero's visit "represents a significant event for Argentine geopolitics".

This is so because Bangladesh is at the crossroads of South Asia, East Asia and Southeast Asia, being the eighth most populated country in the world, with a market of more than 170 million inhabitants.

In 2022 Argentine economic exchange with Bangladesh was for 765 million dollars.

Argentine exports reached US$742.9 million, and imports from Bangladesh totaled US$22.1 million.