While Biden lambasts Lula RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

Russian FM visits Brazil

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov "thanked" Brazil for its efforts to end the war in Ukraine.

The Kremlin representative met in Brasilia with his counterpart Mauro Vieira, before being received by President Lula da Silva.

In this context, Lavrov insisted that his country wants peace, but demands guarantees that Ukraine does not "become a threat to its national security".

Brazil is the first stop on the Russian foreign minister's trip to Latin America, which will include visits to Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua.

It is worth remembering that President Lula has been promoting a negotiated solution to the armed conflict between Kiev and Moscow.

He proposes the formation of a group of neutral countries to act as mediators between the belligerents.

In addition, he recently accused the US and Europe of prolonging the war by delivering arms to Ukraine.

This earned him strong criticism from US President Joe Biden.

The American claimed that Lula was "parroting" the propaganda of the Russian and Chinese governments.