"Interference in democratic process" - President RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

Supreme Court orders to suspend elections in two provinces

In Argentina, the Supreme Court ordered the suspension of elections in the provinces of San Juan and Tucumán on Sunday 14 May.

The Tribunal upheld the claims against the current governors of these districts, Sergio Uñac from San Juan and Juan Manzur from Tucumán.

Both were candidates in these elections, the former for re-election and the latter as a vice-presidential candidate.

The opposition called for Uñac to be disqualified for seeking a third consecutive term.

Manzur, meanwhile, according to the petitions, was running for a fifth term in office, after two as vice-president between 2007 and 2015 and two as governor between 2015 and 2023.

The Court's ruling says it seeks to "discourage the possibility of perpetuation in power".

President Alberto Fernández rejected the sentence and accused the Supreme Court of interfering with "the democratic process".

"The Court aligned itself with the opposition," he said on social networks.

It is worth mentioning that both Uñac and Manzur belong to Peronism, just like Mr Fernández.