Election year in Argentina RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

Three governors reelected

The 2023 electoral calendar in Argentina continues to advance and this Sunday the focus was on the provinces of La Pampa, Salta and Tierra del Fuego.

In all three districts the current governors were re-elected: Sergio Ziliotto from La Pampa, Gustavo Sáenz from Salta and Gustavo Melella from Tierra del Fuego.

All three are allies of President Alberto Fernández and won with around 50 per cent of the vote.

Elections were also scheduled for Sunday in the provinces of Tucumán and San Juan, but were suspended by order of the Supreme Court.

The judges upheld opposition claims about the lack of alternation in power of Tucumán governor Juan Manzur and San Juan governor Sergio Uñac.

In San Juan, however, votes were held for legislative and municipal posts, in which the ruling party also won.