Amid growing bilateral trade RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

First Argentine Dulce de Leche shipment to Vietnam

The first container of Argentine dulce de leche, produced by company San Ignacio, from the province of Santa Fe, arrived in Vietnam.

This marks the beginning of the export of this traditional Argentine product, which consumers will be able to buy in stores in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi.

For this reason, a ceremony was held with the presence of the Argentine ambassador in Vietnam, Pablo Beltramino, and the director of San Ignacio, Alejandro Reca.

In this context, the businessman said: "I would like to highlight the cooperation of the Argentine Embassy in Vietnam from the very beginning".

Reca anticipated that the company will seek to expand the volumes exported of dulce de leche and blue cheese, which San Ignacio also markets.

In Vietnam, the products are distributed by the firm "Del Plata", which specializes in Argentine products such as wine, yerba mate and beef.

This is within the framework of a constant growth of bilateral trade, which reached its historical maximum in 2022: 4462 million dollars, with a surplus for Argentina.