Malvinas Sovereignty Claim RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

June 10: Rights Reassertion Day

Like every 10 June, Argentina claims its sovereignty over the Malvinas Islands.

On this day, the establishment in 1829 of the Political and Military Command in the archipelago is remembered.

On that day the pale blue and white flag was raised for the first time on the islands.

This milestone marks the beginning of Argentine management of the Malvinas, which was interrupted by British usurpation in 1833.

Buenos Aires takes advantage of the 10 June conmemoration to renew its call to the United Kingdom to resume sovereignty negotiations.

And it reiterates that the call for dialogue is in line with UN resolutions that recognise the existence of a dispute.

The Argentine FM also recalls that its claim has received the support of international forums such as the UN General Assembly and the Organisation of American States.

The Group of 77 and China, MERCOSUR, and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), among others, also support it.

Argentina also protests against the illegal exploitation of the archipelago's natural resources, such as fishing and hydrocarbon resources.

And it condemns London's militarisation of the area.