Sovereignty Rights Reassertion Day RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

FM Cafiero: "Malvinas must be the future"

Foreign Minister Santiago Cafiero led the ceremony in Buenos Aires for the Day of Affirmation of Argentine Rights over the Malvinas Islands.

The claim, it is worth mentioning, also includes South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, as well as the corresponding maritime and insular spaces.

At yesterday's ceremony, Cafiero stated that "Malvinas is not only history, but it is the present and must be the future".

The official recalled that 194 years ago an Argentine Command Post was established on the Islands.

And he recalled that as from 10 June 1829, "part of the Argentine population settled there and exercised full sovereignty".

This was interrupted in 1833, Cafiero pointed out, when the United Kingdom took the islands by force and expelled the Argentines.

And he regretted that "a fundamental principle of the United Nations Charter was thus violated: that of territorial integrity".

In this context, he again urged the British government to resume negotiations to resolve the dispute, as demanded by various UN resolutions.

Guillermo Carmona, Secretary for Malvinas Affairs, among other officials, attended Monday's ceremony at the San Martín Palace.

Also present was Clara Vernet, descendant of the first governor of the Islands, Luis Vernet.