Elections in Argentina RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

Economy Minister Massa to run for President

The deadline for presenting presidential candidates for the elections in Argentina has expired.

The big surprise came from the ruling party, which will nominate the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, as its candidate.

The current cabinet chief Agustín Rossi will be his running mate.

Until Friday, the confirmed Peronist contenders were Interior Minister Eduardo de Pedro and the ambassador to Brazil, Daniel Scioli.

But they withdrew their plans "in favour of unity", according to the ruling coalition Unión por la Patria on social networks.

For the opposition, the pre-candidates will be Buenos Aires mayor Horacio Rodríguez Larreta and former security minister Patricia Bullrich.

These and ten other hopefuls will compete in the primary elections on 13 August for the nominations of their respective parties.

The general vote will be held on 22 October, with a run-off on 19 November if necessary.

In addition, two provinces voted for governor yesterday: Cordoba and Formosa.

In both cases, Peronism won, with Martín Llaryora in Cordoba and the re-election of Gildo Insfrán from Formosa.