In capital Montevideo RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

Uruguay marks 50 years since Coup



Uruguay commemorated yesterday the 50th anniversary of the military coup that installed the last military dictatorship in the country.


Uruguayan president Luis Lacalle Pou headed a ceremony at the Congress in capital Montevideo.


The ceremony was attended by his three predecessors who are still alive: Julio Sanguinetti, Luis Lacalle Herrera and José Mujica.


Thousands of people gathered outside the Legislative Palace for a vigil organized by various civil, social and political groups.


Vice-president Beatriz Argimón said at the opening of the tribute: "50 years ago, the dictatorship wanted to silence the representatives of the people".


And she continued: "Today we want to ratify our democratic commitment from this Parliament democratically elected by the citizens".


On 27 June 1973, then President Juan María Bordaberry decreed the closure of Congress.


Thus began a dictatorship that lasted until 1985 and left almost 200 people disappeared.


The Uruguayan regime also participated actively in the Condor Plan to coordinate repression with other South American dictatorships.