With Uruguay's abstention RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

MERCOSUR summit: green light to EU talks

MERCOSUR will seek to conclude negotiations with the European Union to seal a trade agreement.

This was decided by almost all the presidents of the South American bloc, who met yesterday in the Argentine city of Puerto Iguazú.

The final document of the summit was signed by host Alberto Fernández and his counterparts from Brazil, Lula da Silva, and Paraguay, Mario Abdo Benítez.

But Uruguay's Luis Lacalle Pou refrained from endorsing it.

His government seeks to have the autonomy to reach agreements with blocs or countries unilaterally.

But Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay want these negotiations to be coordinated among MERCOSUR members.

In hir speech, Mr Fernández stated that the group should "integrate into the world not only as suppliers of raw materials, but also as exporters of processed products".

Lula, for his part, pledged to "conclude" negotiations with the European Union as his country took over the pro-tem presidency of MERCOSUR for the next semester.