Also for 2010 trapped miners RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

Chilean court orders compensation for dictatorship victims

In Chile, the judiciary ordered compensation for victims of the military dictatorship.

The Santiago Court of Appeals ordered the state to pay compensation to some 20 civil servants and students detained and tortured in 1973.

The events occurred shortly after the coup d'état in which the then president Salvador Allende was overthrown and replaced by the dictator Augusto Pinochet.

The total compensation award amounts to some two million dollars, according to Chilean media reports.

The ruling states that the State has "the obligation of full reparation" in human rights cases.

In addition, the same court ordered reparations to be paid to almost all of the miners who were trapped in 2010 for more than two months.

Thirty-one of the 33 workers will receive about 45,000 dollars each.

The court ruled that the state was responsible for the accident at the San José mine in Copiapó for failing to safeguard safety measures.

The miners were trapped for 68 days at a depth of more than 600 meters before they were rescued.