President Fernández renews Malvinas claim

President Alberto Fernandez renewed Argentina's claim over Malvinas while speaking at the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

"We regret that the United Kingdom continues to refuse to resume negotiations" said the Head of State.

And he reaffirmed Argentina's commitment "to the peaceful solution of this anachronistic colonial situation".

The President also urged Iran to collaborate with the investigation of the bombing of the AMIA Jewish Center in Buenos Aires, which left 85 dead in 1994.

Mr Fernandez also insisted on the need to reform the world financial architecture.

On the subject, he regretted that the IMF raises "its interests every time the U.S. Federal Reserve raises its rates to contain inflation in his country".

And he denounced that the economic powers "only seek to impose the same orthodox policies that have deepened inequality and misery in the world".

In his speech, the Argentine president also repudiated the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

And he condemned the U.S. blockade of Cuba and the international economic sanctions imposed on Venezuela.

Meanwhile, he urged the international community to pressure Guatemala to respect the electoral result that consecrated the leftist Bernardo Arevalo as president.

This was Alberto Fernandez's fourth and last speech before the UN, as his government ends on December 10.