Second draft after first was rejected in 2022 RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

Chile to hold Constitution referendum on Dec 17

Chileans will return to the polls to express their support or rejection of a new Constitution.

President Gabriel Boric called for a referendum that will be held on December 17.

The text is the second to be submitted to a popular vote within a year.

In 2022, a first proposal for a Magna Carta was rejected in a plebiscite because, according to analysts, it was too progressive for Chilean society.

This led to a new election of constituents, which was won by the right wing, which led the current drafting process.

The constitutional reform was one of the main demands of the massive protests of 2019, of which Mr Boric, then a young students leader, was a key figure.

But until a new text is approved, the Constitution sanctioned in 1980 during the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet remains in force.