6th anniversary of submarine tragedy RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

President honors 44 dead sailors

President Alberto Fernández paid tribute to the 44 crew members of the ARA San Juan, on the 6th anniversary of their death.

On November 15, 2017, that Argentine Navy submarine sank while sailing between Ushuaia and Mar del Plata.

In his social networks, the President expressed that sailors "will be forever present in the heart of the Argentine people".

And he stated: "6 years after the last communication, we continue to demand justice, while embracing their families and friends in this search for the truth".

The remains of the ship were found exactly one year after its disappearance, at a depth of 900 meters.

According to the investigations, it suffered a technical malfunction that caused an explosion and wrecked it.

Courts are still investigating the circumstances of the tragedy to determine who was responsible.