Daniel Scioli, peronist politician RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

Milei recruits Néstor Kirchner's former VP

Milei's government incorporates to its cabinet a historical referent of Peronism: Daniel Scioli, current ambassador to Brazil.

He will be the new Secretary of Tourism, Environment and Sports, as announced yesterday on social media by Interior Minister Guillermo Francos.

Scioli became known as a boat racer in the 80s and joined politics in the 90s.

He became vice president of the late Néstor Kirchner between 2003 and 2007, and then governor of the province of Buenos Aires for two terms.

In 2015 he was a presidential candidate for Peronism, being defeated by Mauricio Macri.

During the government of former president Alberto Fernández he was appointed to head the embassy in Brasilia.

But when Mr Milei took office he was kept in the position and now he will join the administration of the libertarian.