Following setback in the Lower House RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

Government not to submit reforms bill again

President Javier Milei revealed that he ordered the Congress not to continue with the treatment of his reform bill, the "Omnibus Law".

From Israel, he spoke to TN news channel following the collapse of the initiative during the Lower House debate.

According to Mr Milei, the proposal was "sabotaged" by lawmakers from provinces to which the national government stopped sending funds.

This, he continued, "explains the betrayal of governors, who tell you that they want change as long as their interests aren’t touched".

For the Head of State, the law did not move forward because of what he called "a group of criminals" who "do not want to give up their privileges".

Milei called this group "caste", resorting to the term with which he criticized the traditional political leadership during the electoral campaign.

In the same sense, the leader of the pro-government caucus in the House, Oscar Zago ratified: "we’re not submitting a law for them to destroy it, so it won’t go to the floor again".

The "Law of Bases and Starting Points for the Liberty of Argentines" or "Ómnibus Law", originally contained more than 600 articles.

It included reforms in legal, labor, fiscal, administrative, defense, health and security matters, among other areas.

The government presented it as a tool to generate private investment and employment, combat inflation of 150% per year and reduce poverty, which exceeds 40%.

The Casa Rosada negotiated with part of the opposition several changes, which resulted in the removal of more than half of the articles.

It also cut the tax part of the bill in order to speed up its approval, which it obtained in general last Friday.

However, at the beginning of the article-by-article treatment yesterday, the government did not obtain the support it expected.

The so-called pro-dialogue opposition demanded more modifications in the special powers required for the Executive.

The libertarians also did not have support for the chapter on privatization of public companies.

It was then when the ruling party asked to send the Omnibus Law back to commissions, leaving without effect the sanction in general and taking everything back to square one.