Government says it's going down RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

Inflation reaches 250% per year in Argentina

Inflation in Argentina exceeded 250% per year, according to the latest official data.

The data comes from the latest report of INDEC, Argentina's official statistics agency.

According to this source, prices grew by 20.6% in January.

But the government assures that there is a downward trend, after December's 25.6%.

In an interview, president Javier Milei said yesterday that January's percentage, "is a horrendous figure, if taken in isolation".

"But we have to look at where we were", he remarked regarding what he deems was a hyperinflation scenario when he took office in December.

In an interview with La Nación + TV channel, Mr Milei came out against former President CFK, who yesterday published a document critical of the current economic management.

For the Head of State, Fernández de Kirchner "ignores basic economic issues".

In her letter, the former president and VP warns about the risks of indebtedness for which she holds the libertarian administration responsible.

She also warned that current policies will "inevitably provoke an increase in unemployment and social despair".

Cristina also asserts that the deficit is not the only cause of inflation.

As an example, she refers to the 90's, when convertibility was in force and public accounts were still in the red.

President Milei replied that he had never said this, and that the deficit can be covered by printing banknotes, and that this is the main reason for inflation.