8000 hectares destroyed RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

FBI to investigate forest fires in Patagonia

The Patagonian province of Chubut will be aided by the FBI to investigate the fires in Los Alerces National Park.

U.S. Ambassador Marc Stanley in Argentina promised the agency's collaboration when he met in Buenos Aires with Chubut's Governor Ignacio Torres.

The bureau will collaborate in the analysis of the areas hit by fire, which are over 8,000 hectares vast.

It is believed that the fire that broke out in Los Alerces on January 25, was intentional.

Flames were only brought under control by firefighters this week.

After the meeting with Stanley, Torres published in X: "We are going to ask for the FBI's support to find those responsible as soon as possible".

The governor also asked courts for an exemplary punishment to those guilty of the disaster, "so that this type of crime does not happen again", he explained.