After president Milei's remarks RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

China rules out conflict with Argentina

China ruled out the existence of real conflicts with Argentina, following the remarks made by President Javier Milei during the electoral campaign last year.

This was stated by Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi when he met with his Argentine counterpart Diana Mondino in Munich.

According to Chinese media, the diplomats agreed on deeming the bilateral link as “strategic”.

For its part, the Argentine Foreign Ministry stated that the relationship with Beijing is "mature and solid enough to overcome obstacles and is ready to maintain the momentum of development".

Minister Mondino recalled that the Asian giant is Argentina's second largest trade and economic partner and that both economies are "highly complementary".

Meanwhile, Wang assured that "China respects the choices of the Argentine people".

The meeting in Germany seeks to defuse the tension generated by Milei's remarks in 2023.

Before winning the elections, he stated that he would not do business with China "because its government is communist".