Elections in Latin America RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

Arévalo wins in Guatemala, and run-off confirmed in Ecuador

Volanta: Elections in Latin America
Título: Arévalo wins in Guatemala, and run-off confirmed in Ecuador

In Guatemala, leftist Bernardo Arévalo won the run-off and will be the next President of the Central American country.

The candidate of the Semilla party obtained almost 59% of the votes, beating center-leftist Sandra Torres, who received 36.2%.

This election marks the end of a 12-year period of conservative governments in Guatemala.

Arévalo was a surprise in the first round: the polls did not anticipate that he would enter the run-off.

He will take office on 14 January.

There were also presidential elections in Ecuador, where Luisa González won with 33% of the vote.

In second place was businessman Daniel Noboa with almost 22% of the votes.

Both will now compete in the October 15 run-off.

Gonzalez is a candidate for the Revolucion Ciudadana party of former president Rafael Correa.

It is worth remembering that these were early elections in Ecuador, called by the current president Guillermo Lasso in the face of a political crisis.