Argentina and Brazil's public media sign deal

The public media of Argentina and Brazil have signed a cooperation agreement.

It is amid a process for deepening bilateral ties promoted by the administrations of Alberto Fernández and Lula da Silva.

The deal will enable exchange of content between Empresa Brasileña de Comunicación (EBC) and Radio Televisión Argentina (RTA).

Argentina's state news agency, Télam, takes part in the program.

It was signed in Brasilia by the Brazilian Minister of Social Communication, Paulo Pimenta, and the Argentine ambassador Daniel Scioli.

The heads of RTA, Rosario Lufrano, and Télam, Bernarda Llorente, also inked the accord.

Minister Pimenta highlighted in this context the "very strong Argentine tradition in the creation of content in the field of public media".

He also recalled that the government of Lula's predecessor, Jair Bolsonaro, tried to privatize EBC.

"As soon as we took office, we took it off the list of companies to be sold in order to revitalize it and make it a public instrument for the citizens", added Pimenta.

For his part, Lufrano said after the signing: "This instance puts us in the place we are looking for as public media".

And she explained that this means "diversity, inclusion, citizen construction, our own language and traditions, with the voice of Latin America".