Malvinas Islands dispute RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

Argentina highlights UN call for negotiations

The Argentine government highlighted the call of the United Nations to resolve the dispute over the Malvinas Islands between Argentina and the United Kingdom.

This was stated by the Secretary for Malvinas Affairs, Guillermo Carmona.

On his social media, the official affirmed: "We say it, most of the nations say it, and the spokesman of the UN Secretary General, Farhan Haq, said it today".

A few days ago, Haq was asked about Argentina's decision to terminate an agreement with the British government.

According to the spokesman, "our position on this dispute is the same as always: to encourage the efforts of the governments of Argentina and the UK to resolve this bilaterally as good neighbours".

The "Foradori-Duncan" pact was sealed in 2016 during the presidency of Mauricio Macri and addressed issues such as maritime resources and flights between the islands and the mainland.

The current Argentine government, headed by President Alberto Fernandez, considered that the agreement made too many concessions to the British and was detrimental to the sovereignty claim over Malvinas.