"Historic day for local science" - Minister Filmus RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

Argentine Covid vaccine approved

The first vaccine against Covid developed in Argentina was formally approved for its application.

It is called "ARVAC Cecilia Grierson", in homage to the first woman who graduated as a physician in Argentina at the end of the 19th century.

The vaccine was showcased this Wednesday after receiving authorization from ANMAT, Argentina's drug regulatory agency.

The event was attended by the Minister of Health, Carla Vizzotti, and the Minister of Science, Daniel Filmus, who said that it was a "historic day for Argentina".

For his part, president Alberto Fernández celebrated on social media: "We are filled with immense pride: this is another step towards the sovereignty of our homeland".

The project was carried out by the Ministry of Health, the University of San Martín, state scientific research agency CONICET and the Cassará laboratory.

The teams that developed it were led by biologist Juliana Cassataro.