Argentine satellites used to monitor Paraná river low levels

Argentine-made satellites SAOCOM 1A and 1B have been providing -for the past two months- an emergency service, supplying data on the Paraná river basin.

This critical information has been used by all kinds of government and public agencies working in response to the situation affecting seven provinces in eastern Argentina.

The satellites make it possible to generate radar images of the water on the ground constantly, something that is difficult for optical sensors to do under different climatic conditions or if the conditions of the terrain, such as excessive vegetation, block the detection.



According to experts, these satellites are the only ones in the world with this capability, "apart from a Japanese mission that does not reach the range of information generated by the Argentine constellation", it was indicated.

The drop in the level of the Paraná River, the second most important in South America after the Amazon, has several provinces in a state of water emergency, with governments adopting measures to cope with the impact on water supply, flora and fauna and river transport.