3500-year-old site in Luxor RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

Argentine team discovery in Egyptian tomb

Argentine researchers have discovered the entrance to an Egyptian tomb.

The team, made up of academics from several Argentine universities, found the original entrance to the tomb of Amenmose in Luxor.

The archaeological site is 3,500 years old and was covered by about seven meters of sediment, as reported by Argentina's state news agency Télam.

The project director is Dr Andrea Zingarelli, who leads experts from the Universities of La Plata, Buenos Aires, Córdoba and Tucumán.

Researchers from CONICET, Argentina's leading scientific institution, are also taking part.

Linen textiles, a painted wooden ear and dried flower garlands, among other artifacts, were found in the tomb.

Dr Zingarelli said that another objective of the mission is to preserve the site for the future.


Descubrieron una tumba de 4.400 años en Egipto "única en su clase" - Infobae