Conference on the "100 years of Rebel Patagonia"

A "gringo" (that's how an immigrant -or their descendants- from the northern hemisphere -regardless of the country- was called in the Pampas back in the […]

The international event created by the great Argentine guitarist Juan Falú will go on until November 22.     Talking to RAE, Falú announced that […]

A team of researchers from the National University of La Plata has been working for more than 10 years on the creation of inclusive teaching […]

Veteran Julio Aro was nominated this week for the Nobel Peace Prize. Aro, however, assured he feels he already received a bigger prize: "the kiss […]

COVID-19 pandemic

The Secretary of Health Access, Carla Vizzotti, developed on the announcements by president Alberto Fernández about the acquisition of the Sputnik V vaccine, and stated […]

Leading case for the rights of patients

The Justice system of Tierra del Fuego, a province in the extreme south of Argentina, authorized the on-site presence of a person to be with […]

They came here to flee homophobia in their home countries

According to data from the Argentine Refugee Commission, between January 2010 and June 2020, a total of 116 people whose freedom and physical integrity were […]

The Ministry of Security together with international humanitarian aid agencies launched in Argentina the International Humanitarian Network of Argentina with the aim of providing a […]

Domestic and international flights resume in Argentina Flag-carrier Aerolíneas Argentinas is planning at least 52 international and regional flights to Madrid, Miami, San Pablo, Santiago […]

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