2020 The Year of Manuel Belgrano

In Argentina we are marking this year of 2020 the 200th anniversary of the death of one of its central heroes: Manuel Belgrano. Lawyer, statesman, […]

RAE-Argentina al Mundo joins the Fête de la Musique in France, which is celebrated every June 21 in that country and has been extended to […]

ITALY XXI launches 2020 cycle

Within the context of the Festa della Musica - an international celebration held on June 21st in the main cities of Europe - the cycle […]

Whatsapp Group

Five years ago, the women of Argentina took to the streets all over the country to protest all forms of gender violence, which had been […]

The city of Buenos Aires, which has the highest per capita income in the whole country, is at the same time home to some 20 […]

This Sunday, May 31st, renowned tanguero and popular singer Omar Mollo will perform via streaming, together with Juan Pablo Dobal on piano as part of […]

COVID-19 in Argentina

Barrio 31 "Padre Carlos Mugica", a shanty town inhabited by 70 thousand people in BA, has shown in recent weeks how in Argentina the prevention […]


May 25th is one of the most important national holidays in Argentina, marking the anniversary of the 1810 May Revolution, a turning point that resulted […]

Gustavo López, deputy chairman of the ENACOM media watchdog, spoke with Whatsapp Group about the vast world of communications, and its central importance amid times […]

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