Scientists discovered in Argentina's sector of Antarctica, an almost complete skull, part of the jawbone and other fossil remains belonging to a 35 million-year-old giant […]

Discovering Argentina

BA HISTORIC CHURCHES, PART II Among the viceroyal cities of the American colony of Spain, Buenos Aires was just a peripheral village that was founded […]


A plague of locusts known as "tucura sapo" is advancing uncontrollably in the northern plateau of Chubut, province of Argentinian Patagonia, affecting in principle an […]


Among the viceroyal cities of the American colony of Spain, Buenos Aires was just a peripheral village that was founded to stop the advance of […]

Science and Technology

Health centers in fourteen Latin American countries will participate from March 2020 in an international initiative that seeks to "control all risk factors for dementia," […]


Band originated in La Plata in 1976, specialized in Rock and Roll and a very peculiar poetics. In 1978 they arrived in Buenos Aires and […]

Culture & Arts

Learn how to say computer in Quichua and more interesting stories A pioneering Quichua-English dictionary was presented in Quito by its author Santiago Gualapuro, a […]

Culture & Arts

Learn how to say computer in Quichua and more interesting stories A pioneering Quichua-English dictionary was presented in Quito by its author Santiago Gualapuro, a […]


62-year Walt tells us he's been listening to SW radio since he was very young, and that  he discovered our station back in the 70s. […]

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