Ministry of Justice: The conviction of the Vice-President is an attack on the democratic process RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

CFK sentenced to six years in jail

The Federal Oral Court N° 2 sentenced this Tuesday Vice-President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner to 6 years in jail and was disqualified for life for holding public office for the crime of "fraudulent administration".

The Ministry of Justice emphasized in turn, through a press release, that this sentence is inseparable from the electoral process in progress and will conclude with the presidential elections of 2023.

That source said "the ruling issued today, after a judicial process plagued with irregularities and violations to the due process,
constitutes a clear curtailment of the political rights of the vice-president and her voters, and it seeks to keep her from taking part in next year's elections".

According to the press release, "in order to be legitimate, this judicial process and the sentence must be based on categorical evidence regarding her criminal responsibility and an unrestricted respect for due process and the right of defense".

However, "under the excuse of investigating and punishing acts of corruption, fundamental guarantees were violated".

Basic guarantees of due process were ignored, such as the presumption of innocence, the right to defense, and the right to a fair trial. Only in this way could the Court, by granting the request of the federal prosecutors who intervened, was able to build and dictate this illegitimate sentence, the Ministry's statement added.

The Ministry emphasized that the ruling is "the biggest expression of lawfare in our country, a practice that violates human rights and is an obstacle of the electoral processes, of the political agenda and of public opinion. We are facing an anti-republican act of the Judiciary".

For all these reasons, "in view of this situation, and considering that the sentence will have a profound impact on society as a whole.
the Human Rights Bureau claims to the Supreme Court, as the highest authority of the Judiciary, to protect the democratic process".

It also emphasized that in this way "nothing more and nothing less than the rule of law in our country is at stake, and the threat against the electoral process is concrete and dangerous".

Meanwhile, the Vice-President referred to the ruling on her Youtube site where, among other phrases of her speech, she said that she will never be "a pet of power". At the same time, she described the judiciary" as "a mafia"