People's Assembly head endorsement RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

China wants Argentina in the BRICS bloc

China will support Argentina's bid to become a member of the BRICS bloc of emerging economies, which also includes Russia, Brazil, India and South Africa.

This was announced by the head of the Chinese People's Assembly, Zhao Leji, to his Argentine peer, Cecilia Moreau, during an official visit to the Asian country.

Last week it also became known that the BRICS banking entity, the New Development Bank, will analyze the incorporation of Argentina in the coming months.

From Beijing, Moreau affirmed that these negotiations will allow the arrival of financial assistance to "continue boosting the country's economic growth".

In her speech to the Assembly, the Argentine legislator highlighted the common position of the countries in their claims of territorial integrity, the Malvinas and Taiwan.

It is worth mentioning that Moreau was received together with Deputy Máximo Kirchner.

Both were part of the official delegation that traveled to China, headed by the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa.