Post-debate accusation RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

"Choir of coughers" - Milei

Presidential candidate Javier Milei denounced that "a choir of coughers" tried to break his concentration during his debate with Sergio Massa.

According to the libertarian, the followers of the ruling party hopeful made noise on purpose during his speeches last Sunday.

In a radio interview, Milei affirmed that they sought to generate a reaction that would show him as “emotionally unbalanced, unfit for public office”.

"But they did not succeed", said the candidate of La Libertad Avanza party, who called the undecided to support him in next Sunday’s runoff.

Analysts and the media agreed on declaring Massa the winner of the debate.

The incumbent Minister of Economy, on his part, expressed his opinion on the controversy: "only those who are going to listen only to themselves are bothered by the cough, I am not bothered by it".