Malvinas sovereignty RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

Ecuador renews support to Argentina's claim


The Secretary of Malvinas-related issues, Guillermo Carmona, paid a visit to Ecuador, where he strengthened ties in matters of Antarctic and oceanic cooperation and received support for Argentina's claim of sovereignty over the Malvinas Islands.

In addition, a Malvinas-related monument was unveiled during his visit in the area known as Mitad del Mundo.

Carmona had a meeting with members of the International Relations Committee of the Ecuadorian parliament, who expressed their solidarity and support for Argentina's Malvinas claim.

In addition, they agreed to hold a debate in Congress to approve a declaration in support of Argentine rights over that area.

The Argentine visitor also met with the head of Parliament, Javier Virgilio Saquicela, and with members of the Argentina-Ecuador inter parliamentary friendship group, whom he thanked for their constant support at multilateral forums, such as the United Nations, the CELAC and the OAS.