70th death anniversary RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

Evita remembered across Argentina

Exactly seven decades ago, Argentina came to a halt because of the death of the most popular of its first ladies: Eva Duarte de Perón, known as "Evita".

At only 33 years, the "standard-bearer of the poor", as she was dubbed, died and thus became an eternal myth and the symbol of an era. Her memory would later be the inspiration for musicals, movies and books all over the world.



On July 26, 1952, a uterine cancer defeated the second wife of then-president Juan Domingo Perón (1946-1955 and 1973-1974), after a long fight against the disease.

This Tuesday, there are all kinds of homages across the country: rallies, ceremonies, marches and even a biopic series is launched online.

Her charisma, her iconic image and her impassioned speeches in favor of the working class and the most needy, and against oligarchy and imperialism, went down in history.

An example is this one on October 17, 1951 when, to a crowd in Plaza de Mayo, she gave her last speech in which she declined the proposal to be the vice presidential candidate of Perón, who was about to run for a second term in office.



(...)I decided to fight side by side with the workers and I put my heart at the service of the poor always carrying the name of General Perón as my only banner everywhere. If, with that effort I conquered the hearts of the workers and the poor of my homeland, that is already an extraordinary reward that makes me carry on with my work and my struggles. I do not want any other honor than that of that affection (...).