Fierce storm hits central Argentina

A fierce storm lashed central Argentina, with heavy rains and winds that left some 15 dead, people injured, destruction, power outages and flight cancellations.

The epicenter of the disaster was the city of Bahía Blanca, in the province of Buenos Aires, where 13 people died when the roof of a gymnasium collapsed.

The victims were participating in a skating exhibition at the Bahiense del Norte club, where the famous Argentine basketball player Emanuel "Manu" Ginóbili emerged.

Gusts of about 150 kilometers per hour caused the structure to fall in the middle of the event.

President Javier Milei and the Governor of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof, traveled to the place and voiced their condolences to the families of the deceased.

The Head of State expressed his confidence that local authorities will be able to resolve the situation "with the existing resources".

The city of Buenos Aires and its surroundings were also hit by the storm.

According to the media, two people were killed when they were hit by trees in the areas that fell due to the wind.

The Argentine capital dawned with destruction, fallen branches on streets and sidewalks, smashed cars, uprooted signs and poles, massive blackouts and floods.

The domestic airport, Aeroparque, was completely closed and dozens of flights were canceled.

At the terminal, located next to the river, cell phone images showed a plane parked on the runway, which was spun by the wind.

In another viral video, it can be seen how the gusts shattered the windows of the Palermo racetrack, where several people suffered minor injuries.

The National Weather Service had warned about storms on Saturday before the entrance of a cold front, after a hot day in Buenos Aires, with high humidity and temperatures over 30 degrees Celsius.