Foreign Minister reacts to David Cameron's trip

Argentine Foreign Minister Diana Mondino expressed herself on the presence of her British peer David Cameron in the Malvinas Islands.

Ironically, she vindicated Argentine sovereignty over the archipelago by welcoming her UK counterpart to the country.

On Twitter, Mondino expressed: "We appreciateCameron’s gesture of including Argentina in his visit to the region".

And the publication continues: "We will be happy to receive him, on a future occasion, also in Buenos Aires".

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not issue an official statement on the trip of the head of the Foreign Office.

On the other hand, presidential spokesman Manuel Adorni expressed in a press conference that the Casa Rosada had no opinion on the matter, because it belongs to another government's agenda.

In any case, Adorni remarked "we reaffirm our sovereignty rights over the Malvinas Islands and we will continue to do so".

Cameron was in the Malvinas capital on Monday, before visiting Paraguay and traveling to Brazil for the G20 foreign ministers' summit.

Before arriving in the islands, Cameron ruled out initiating talks with Buenos Aires on sovereignty.

In addition, he expressed his wish that the inhabitants of the insular territory want to remain British.

t is worth mentioning that Cameron and Mondino will both attend the G20 Foreign Ministers' Summit in Brazil.