Former Chilean president dies in helicopter crash

Former Chilean President Sebastián Piñera died at the age of 74 in a helicopter accident on Tuesday.

The tragedy occurred in Ilihue, in the town of Lago Ranco, some 920 kilometers south of the capital, Santiago.

According to local press reports, Piñera was piloting the aircraft, which plunged into a lake shortly after takeoff.

According to investigators, he failed to remove his seat belt, went down with the aircraft and drowned.

The other three occupants of the helicopter managed to swim to shore and were unharmed.

Current President Gabriel Boric declared three days of national mourning for Piñera's death.

"He was a democrat who, from his vision, contributed to building great agreements for the good of the country" he said about his deceased predecessor.

The former businessman and conservative politician served two terms as president, between 2010 and 2014 and between 2018 and 2022.

During his first government, he led the rescue of 33 miners trapped at a depth of 700 meters, in a case that shocked the world.

In his second term, there were massive street protests demanding social and economic changes led, among others, by Boric.

Piñera then agreed to enable a referendum on a constitutional reform.

The Chilean government confirmed that the former president will have a state funeral.

From Israel, Argentine President Javier Milei regretted Piñera's death and sent his condolences through X to his "family, friends and all the Chilean people".

Former Argentine presidents Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and Mauricio Macri also paid tribute to the late Chilean leader.