After three months in the US RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

Former president Bolsonaro returned to Brazil

Former president Jair Bolsonaro has returned to Brazil after three months in the US.

He landed this Thursday in capital Brasilia where he was welcomed by several supporters, and also by groups of critics.

For this reason, he had to leave through a restricted area of the airport.

The ex-president had traveled to North America shortly before the inauguration of his successor, the leftist Lula da Silva.

Bolsonaro refused to concede defeat in the 2022 elections, and also declined to hand over the presidential sash to the new Head of State.

With the far-right leader already abroad, a week after Lula's inauguration, thousands of Bolsonaristas attacked the main state buildings in the capital.

But the former President denied any responsibility for the coup attempt.

Yesterday, after returning to the country, Bolsonaro spoke at a Liberal Party rally.

In this context, he said: "We will show the government, which will be in power for a short time, that it will not do whatever it wants with the future of the nation".

"I am without a term, but I am not retired", the former President remarked in declarations to a TV channel.