Former president CFK confirms she won't be a candidate

Vice President CFK confirmed that she will not be a candidate this year, putting an end to weeks of rumors and versions.

In an open letter, she stated that she "will not be a mascot of power for any candidacy".

She added that "I have shown as no one else has, that I give priority to the collective project over my personal position".

She also called on the ruling coalition she is part of, the Frente de Todos, to build a government programme "that will make Argentines fall in love again with it".

In her message, she criticized the judiciary for what she deems "political persecution", in connection with a conviction against her for corruption.

According to CFK, this ruling is tantamount to her virtual ban as a candidate in the 2023 elections.

The former president also repudiates the suspension of elections in Tucumán and San Juan ordered by the Supreme Court last week.

According to the vice-president, opposition-aligned Justices intervened to stop what appeared to be clear victories for Peronism.

In this regard, the governor of Tucumán, Juan Manzur, has again called elections in his province for 11 June.

He did so after the Court lifted the suspension of the elections, accepting Manzur's declination of his bid to become lt governor.

The judges had upheld opposition claims of a lack of alternation in power, since the current governor has been in office in Tucumán since 2007.