Beef or Milk also allowed as currency RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

Government confirms crypto can be used on contracts

The government assures that as a result of the reforms contained in Milei's decree, cryptocurrency may be agreed in Argentina as a form of payment.

This was stated by Foreign Minister Diana Mondino on social media.

And she added that it will also be possible to agree on payments in kind, i.e. in products.

"We ratify that it will be possible to agree contracts in Bitcoin. Also in any other crypto and/or in kind such as kilos of beef or liters of milk," Mondino said.

According to the decree: "the debtor must deliver the corresponding amount of the designated currency, whether the currency is legal tender in the Republic or not".

Voices from Argentine crypto companies hailed the official measures for the sector.

Ripio's CEO Sebastián Serrano assured that "it provides very interesting possibilities for Argentine workers".

Meanwhile, the leader of Bitso Argentina, Julián Colombo, described it as "a great advance" to be able to agree contracts in any type of currency.

"It is 100% in line with the Bitcoin philosophy that we love and that gives financial freedom to individuals", said Colombo when asked by the press.