Government sends amended draft to Congress

The government of president Javier Milei introduced changes in its mega reform project known as the "Omnibus Law".

The Casa Rosada is seeking the support of part of the opposition for the initiative to be debated in Parliament.

Among the modifications is the exclusion of state-owned oil company YPF from the list of public companies to be privatized.

The so-called "regional economies", which include citrus fruits, tobacco and olives, among others, are also exempted from paying export duties.

However, the increase in tariffs on large commodities such as soybeans, corn, wheat and mining is kept in the bill, despite the rejection of several governors.

The new text also upholds the updating of pensions for inflation and the increases will not be made by decree, as established in the original bill.

Another changein the "Omnibus Law" is that the delegation of legislative powers to the President will be for one year instead of two.

The national government also reversed cuts or closures of state agencies related to art and culture, such as the Film Institute.

Local and foreign artists had protested against several articles of the initiative.

The official name of the law is "Bases and Starting Points for the Freedom of Argentines" and includes more than 600 articles.